Bring back gentle slang
A day or so ago, I am sure I heard on the radio that someone had made a bish of something, and it rang some extremely rusty and dusty bells. Yes, we did used to use this word when I was young, although I haven't heard it for years.
The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form defines the word with:
How much more elegant but equally satisfying than, say, cock-up?
Don't quibble. You've made a frightful bish and you're about as much use as a radio-active suet pudding.From some Jennings book or other, by Anthony Buckeridge.
The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form defines the word with:
You have ordered your favourite dish,
Lemon eels (and six snails, if you wish),
But your waiter unveils
Melon peels and six nails.
If he's British, he's just made a bish.
How much more elegant but equally satisfying than, say, cock-up?